Thomas Jefferson said it the best, when he said, “I am a true believer in luck. I notice that the harder I work, the luckier I get!”
Striking on all cylinders takes a combination of things, but most notably, preparedness for the opportunity and timing.
We say there are 5 traits that all, truly successful, entrepreneurs have. Resourcefulness; being coachable; learning from their mistakes; being a “bad-ass” about keeping their word; and never giving up.
Each of these aspects of success are in some way present in all successful entrepreneurs and most of us have at least 1 to 2 that are more prominent than others. For example, I had a client who was just starting out and his business idea is very involved and the start-up includes a huge amount of moving parts. With every week that passed there was some new story about why things were not working and that they were “regrouping again”. This is a failure of resourcefulness. If the parable, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, was meant for anyone, it is for this situation. When a branch falls on our path, we can easily move it, when a tree falls we have to get more resourceful about it. Ask yourself, “what should we/I do next to keep moving forward?”. No one’s success path is straight or narrow, and rarely are they unobstructed. You are walking through the jungle and you are the one in charge.
If you see your path clearly laid out in front of you, consider, it may not be your path, David Whyte
So let’s talk about being resourceful. What does that mean? If I had to boil it down to one concept it would be being unstoppable. In other words, not letting barriers that fall across your path stop you, at least not for long. As a Successful Entrepreneur you MUST figure those things out. A determined person who has few resources would go to the library, free workshops, watch a webinar, or try their Chamber of Commerce or EDC for help. That is where I started about 13 years ago. I did free everything and learned as much as possible that way. A person with a bit more would ask for help and may have to pay a bit, but then there are ways to keep those costs down too.
Being resourceful is rewarding in many ways beyond that you keep moving forward. Each time you are tested by the Universe (something drops onto your path you were not expecting or inviting), and you get past the barrier, you are building resolve, confidence, and belief in your own leadership and abilities to be Successful. Others notice it too.
Here are some Practices to Develop being resourceful:
- Make big promises that kind of scare you and will blow your mind when you accomplish them.
- Do problem solving mastermind sessions with other business owners or a friend (who has a business).
- Get an accountability buddy to talk to everyday;
- Read books on your subject and use leads and ideas to move yourself along your path.
It is my firm belief that most people completely underestimate themselves and have little idea what they are truly capable of… If you have the idea that you were made for something more than the life you are living, then this might be you!
As Eleanor Roosevelt said so beautifully to women in her era, which still stands today… If you are going to doubt anything, doubt your limits!
Like all people, you are brilliant in some ways and less brilliant in others. It means nothing unless you let it stop you, and that is entirely a choice you make every day. Keep going or stop. All you have to do it take the next step forward and you are on your way past the barrier.
It is always up to you.
************************************************************************For more reading on Developing Your 5 Traits read: Demystify Failure and Frustration

I started my first Creative Business when I was a single mom with four tiny children. That was 25 years ago and I started Business 101 for Creative Entrepreneurs to give back. I am so grateful for all the support did get while I was getting started, but more than anything I wished I had some business support, some mentoring or guidance. I want you to know that I get how hard, confusing, and challenging it can be to be alone and have real questions with no one to ask.
Please accept this FREE 30 Minute Creative Business Consult as my way of saying “You Can Do It!”
What you can use the call for:
- Ask anything you need to know!
- Get important, reliable resources for whatever you need
- You can design a Next Actions plan for building the life of your dreams!
- Create Learning Plan so you can begin powerfully
- Feel supported