How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Growth Strategy Expert ?
Good question! I have been a small business/entrepreneurs coach for about 11 years. I have run my own successful design business for 15 years and before that was a corporate trainer in large corporations and government agencies, such as Microsoft, Intel, and the Department of Defense.
How I got to be an expert is a bit of a personal story. I grew up very poor, and knew very young that I had to count on myself for my success. This drove me to start businesses very early in life, 16 year old to be exact, and obviously, I did not know what I needed to know to be successful. I have made every mistake one can make in business. I have grown too fast without a good plan and blew my own circuits;I have used credit cards to keep things going when I needed to focus on a different sales plan and took years to dig my way out of the debt; I once expanded to 14 staff only to find I was making less personally although the business was making much more. You name it, I have been through it. As I got better and more successful at business, I started to have people ask me to meet with them and “pick my brain”. In 2006 I met my husband and I wanted to quit travelling to corporate gigs and being on the road all the time. I decided to switch over to small business work with creatives, because these are my favorite people… up to something and willing to throw themselves into the fray to get what they want.
Business 101 for Creative Entrepreneurs was born
Who are your clients exactly?
I work with people just like you! People in private practice and other independent professionals and craftsman who are really good at what they do; however, have never been taught how to “run” their business or how to develop or grow their business. I frequently work with people who are “finally launching the business they have always dreamed of having”, who have careers and want to transition to owning their own business, or are ready to complete one career and reinvent their new future.
That said, the business owners’ I work with are in a wide spectrum of industries and fields:
- Artists
- Authors
- Architects
- Restaurant owner/chef
- Wrap Designer (vehicle and interior installations)
- Massage therapists
- Accountants
- Mediums
- Department of Defense
- Intel Leadership teams
- Microsoft Diversity programs
- Managers at Intel
- Brewer Masters
- Political Consultants
- Dance Teachers /studio owners
- Beauty product manufacturer
- Personal trainers
- Graphic artists
- Engineers
- Building Contractors
- Real estate investors
- Medical billing specialists
- Insurance brokers
- Mortgage brokers
- Loan officers
- Photographers
- Baker
- Jewelry designer
- Stylists
- Marine biologists
- Holistic Healers
- Healing Center owners
- Window Tinters
- Pre-school owner/teachers
- Tire store retail staff
- Windshield Replacement store staff
- Grocery Store staff
- Customer Service professionals
- Shamans
- Yoga teachers
- Student entrepreneurs
- Veterans
What happens if you haven’t yet worked with people in my field?
I have worked with tens of thousands of people over the past 30+ years, from every age group, educational background, economic background, and belief systems. Most likely, I have worked with someone in your field, or very closely related to your field.
Even if I have not, you are not at a disadvantage, quite the contrary. Here’s why many small business owners, in any field, are doing the same things that all small business owners do… they try things they have heard on TV, or read in a book, or someone told them to do who has a business. Most people are trying to attract clients from the same 3% of the market that their competitors are —
What my clients, and former clients, appreciate about working with me is the new perspective and growth techniques that are designed to have you expand your marketing reach to the 67% of potential customers who are NOT currently looking for you. We offer a reliable and proven process to connect you with new, potential clients while reducing your stress level and removing the mystery out of success. Because of this my clients increase their revenue without feeling sales-y, they gain confidence in themselves and their products/services, and begin to stand out in the crowded market place.
How are you different from other “business coaches”?
This is a great question. There are so many kinds of business coaches, and we are not all the same.
The first way I am different is I am, and always will be, an entrepreneur myself. I have owned and continue to run small businesses of my own and have for 40+ years. I have been in the trenches in 3 different creative fields, building design and construction, book and magazine publishing, and small business consulting, which means that I have direct experience of the things I teach. I do not only teach but use my own systems to build businesses and that gives me a particular insight into how they work and how to customize them for you.
Secondly, I am a creative! I understand the unique mind set of creatives, especially those who want to grow a business. Doing your art is not the same as building a business to do it in and the learning curve does not have to be hard, overly stressful, or full of struggle or frustration.
Thirdly, I have a unique set of skills for creating curriculum that not only teaches the necessary information of “how to build a business” but also the deep personal growth it can take to grow into a successful business owner. I have worked with NLP, and other transformational technologies for 40+ years and bring all of that unique training into the curriculum, whether live or taped.
Lastly, it is my strong belief that anyone with the determination and willingness to grow can become successful. I say that “success is not a mystery”. It is predictable for those who know the methods that make a difference. You need methods, not miracles and I have those proven and reliable methods, especially for very small businesses and those who are really not inclined to business.
I grew up in poverty and, as I got into my teens, we were low-income. I understand the incredible challenge of growing up poor in America and still wanting to live a life of success and contribution. I have mastered the poverty mindset and have become a successful business owner and investor. It took a couple of incredible teachers who really believed in me when I was unable to find my own courage and it was ONLY due to their support that I got through some of those pervasive internal dialogues that can hinder or even completely derail Success! I offer that commitment to every client and intimately know the challenges of growing into success.
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
Our programs are designed for people who are ready to get started in their business, if they are just getting started, or are serious about growing their business and ending the seesaw/roller coaster thrill ride of running a business that erratically generates revenue. I work with sole proprietors, micro and small businesses and especially creatives, which includes any trade, craftsman, professionals, all domains of small business (restaurant, retail, tech).
I do not try to be for everyone or all businesses. By staying in a narrow focus I can give you my best for you and your needs. I also limit my client load to be able to pay personal attention to every client. Our work is not diluted or overly generalized to be good for a huge market, but directly designed for small, closely held businesses. This way we can get you the most bang for your buck and you will have a focused coaching program for your best results.
For what type of professional is this program NOT going to work?
Please understand, I am very selective in my offers and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to refer people who would not thrive in our programs.
Our programs are NOT for those who are so cash poor that they are on the edge of collapse or financially desperate, at least not right away. It has been my experience that it takes about 90 days to cause a direction change that will give lasting results and that folks in extreme financial stress are not always able to do the work needed and sometimes do not trust the coaching, making it harder to make those changes (likely from the stress of worrying about their bills).
I want you to really hear me when I say, I have been there! Being stressed out about money and being called into your future can be very frustrating and even scary.
If you fall into this category, don’t give up hope! Here are some actions you can take:
- Get some cash coming in with a full time or part-time job… get the basics covered so you can breathe and then call me. We can get you started as soon as you are able.
- Sign up for the FREE tools and Get Started.
The FREE basics will get you started toward your goals until you are ready to work with me. - Make a point to be on the FREE Monthly Small Business Trouble Shooting Call.
What exactly is Business Arts Growth Track and what does it include?
Building your business to a new level of consistency takes focus and begins with:
- Pre – First Session: Getting organized and putting your specifics on paper for your coach to get familiarized with your business and situation.
- First Session Private Call: We look at you current priorities and how you are using your time. What you have accomplished and where you want to go. Creating a powerful vision for the next few years, and getting orientated to the depth and breadth of the program. Each session you will get an assignment to deepen the work that got done during the session and to forward your mission to grow your business.
- You may also get a video from our extensive video library (available to your 24/7) again, to deepen the work you are doing or to clarify a distinction, or to help you with your assignment.
- Second Session Private Call: Review your work – start to build a plan for your growth to what may seem unimaginable to you right now.
- Repeat for up to 3 months (6 calls) then generally a Business Growth Intensive will begin during your first 90 days. Each of the Business Growth Intensives (6 in all) are unique and cover specific dimensions of growing your business.
- We also offer a monthly Small Business Trouble Shooting and Q&A Call for all program participants to ask anything related to building their business.
- There are video modules on the platform to further support you in your learning which are available to you 24/7 so you can watch repeatedly, or during hours when there are no calls.
Does it really work?
Yes! Success is not a mystery! We use methods that are proven, and with dedication and consistent work, results are reliable. The result of our work has consistently helped our clients get to their financial independence goals. It does take consistent time and dedication – and when you consistently take actions you learn in the program, you will attract more business and, without doubt, suffering, or stress, raise your revenue.
What results can I expect?
You can expect to:
- Hone in on the exact clients who will pay you what you are worth, get the results they are working towards, and refer you to others.
- Develop your message that will have your favorite client discover you and be drawn to you.
- Differentiate you and your services from others in your industry.
- Build a powerful “Strategic Plan” for growing your business to your goal revenue.
- Develop exceptional work habits that make producing results easier and more reliable.
- Set rates that sell.
- Create systems that make your life easier and your growth more reliable.
- Grow your confidence in yourself, your worth, and your abilities to make a difference for others.
- Develop accountability structures and help you make big leaps forward.
- Develop strength in “Being Visible” in the world through video, blogging, social media, etc.
- Create goals for each of your areas of business that matter to you.
- Create packages that will really express your commitment to our customers and help you sell much more fluidly.
- Learn to SELL without fear or concern for being sale-sy.
- Experience support every step of the way.
- Learn to Network effectively.
- Achieve more of your goals in 90 days than you have in a year (see customer testimonials)
- Learn to present in to groups for speaking (marketing) and delivery (fulfillment with clients).
- Learn to manage your schedule so effectively you have more life with less stress.
- Develop a Cash Flow Projection for up to 2 years that will help you guide.
- Create a powerful referral system and referral partnerships.
- Learn proven techniques for growing that you can use right away.
- Discover that you are capable of much more than you realize.
Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?
Yes, definitely. Go to our Client Testimonials Page read them all. See which ones you feel drawn to either because they are your same profession; or they have gotten results you want to get too; or they may have a similar starting point and took big leaps in the program. Then please email me at: Checkusout@business101forcreativeentrepreneurs.com, and we will connect you to them so you can talk to someone who has directly worked with me.
How quickly can I expect results?
First let me say that every business is unique, and every entrepreneur has their own mindset. With that said, our clients average doubling their revenue over the course of their first year, some way more than double. Obviously the speed at which you will grow your business will be a direct result of how much you put into the assignments and engage in the work. With that said, most of our clients will have more sales in their first 60-90 days, some have had results even sooner.
How can I guarantee myself that I will get more clients in record time?
Do all the work of the assignments and fieldwork, make all the calls or listen to all the recordings. Have the program become the focus of your day and build your business practices around growing your business. This is not a quick fix or a magic pill. For most entrepreneurs it takes about a year for a business to become stable at their new normal. You set your own goals, and we encourage you to stretch to a new comfort zone…
The feedback we have received tells us that many have grown their businesses more intentionally than they ever have before, learned new business building methods that have rejuvenated their love of their business, AND they have built their business much faster than they would have without the program.
Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program?
Yes, an adamant yes! Many clients report that they have made the money they invested in the program in the first 3-4 months of the program. Many much faster, some longer.
How will we work together and what does the program entail?
The program includes an hour long coaching call almost every week of the year. These calls are done by Zoom and are recorded for your later use. Plus, as an active member of the program, you have access to our video library which contains videos by other industry experts on financing, internet marketing, leadership development, business design and more.
There are assignments for each week, mostly things that will help you reach your goal right now. Taking the right actions each day consistently forwards your business and creates a momentum. When you need extra support, we offer a monthly Q&A and Business Troubleshooting Call that is open to all.
There is an accountability worksheet that arrives in your inbox every work day, Monday – Friday.
You have a platform where you have all the handouts, videos, and the calendar of your calls (which will integrate with your on-line calendar).
You can have, and we recommend, an Accountability Buddy for daily support.
There is always support within 24 hours and for the most part, the structure covers all you need to grow to your $10,000 a month, or doubling your revenue if you are already there.
How long is the program?
We offer 2 one -year long programs and both will extend to a second year. One of the programs includes 3 100 Day Intensives and 2 2 Week Long Intensives that can be done as stand-alone programs.
Do people ever re-up?
Yes, all of the time. Investing in your own growth, both business and business ownership, becomes a natural part of being in business. Once you start to see the results you have so longed for, it is an easy choice to stick with what is working until you are completely systemized and able to be at work entirely on your terms.
What are your coaching programs like?
There are 2 different annual programs. One for existing business owners to grow their businesses to a fully sustainable level of $10,000 a month income or whatever target you set for your first year.
The first program, Business Arts Growth Track, has 3 – 100 Day Business Growth Intensives and 2 – 2 week long Sales and Customer Service Intensives, respectively. They are entirely on-line, so you can be anywhere, and there is ample time for questions, sharing, and has many tutorials and most of the basic technical support you might need. We also offer a monthly Troubleshooting and Q&A call open to all and a Private Orientation/Getting Started – Strategy Session for each client, by Zoom. These intensives can be done as stand-alone programs at a higher cost than doing the year of Business Arts Growth Track and without the added support.
The second program, Designing Your Life’s Work, is for folks who are ready to close one chapter of their life and start a new venture, or they are expanding or redesigning their existing business. This has 2 private coaching calls a month, one every other week, and has access to our video library of about 100+ hours of world class videos that are always being upgraded. This is strictly limited in size to 10 a year and there is a wait list.
Saved the best for last:
One of the most surprising things about being in an annual program is the level of community and accountability that comes from being in a “program”. There are dozens of people in the same soup as you and they are supportive, open, offer feedback, kind words, and you can offer the same. These relationships are not the only reason you would invest, but they are so impactful for inspiration and support when we hit obstacles and unexpected circumstances that surface from time to time in any business.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept all credit cards except American Express.
Ok, I know which program I want, How do we get started?
Congratulations! You are making a choice to bring peace, confidence, and money into your life on a completely different level.
Use this link to schedule a call with a coach to move.
If I’m not sure I‘m ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it’s the right solution for me?
Schedule a coaching call with a fantastic coach (that is all we have) and get a sense of what the program would be like for you. It is important to address your concerns. I remember selecting my coach when I decided to grow my business and it was more than I had spent on a coach in years. I was scared and uncertain, but also really, really wanted to build my business to I could stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I was still scared when I registered, but it was clear to me that I was making a choice to grow – not more of the same. I made more in my first month than I had my entire year before. So check us out.
Just to be crystal clear, there is no charge for this coaching call and it is a coaching call so bring your business questions and all your questions about the program.
I have a family and a busy life. Although I want more clients badly, I don’t have much time to spare. How much time do I need?
Thank you so much for asking about this! I raised 4 children as a single mom. It was not easy, so I really understand how important both commitment are — I started a business while my children were tiny, and it took serious juggling and working at some unique times to make it all work… the point being is that it did work!
At the same time, as each business and business owner is unique, it is impossible for me to be completely accurate about this. Ideally, you would have about as little as 2-3 hours a week to put into building your business, beside your regular business hours to make excellent progress. Some of your business activities will likely change as well, and not take as long. Some of the processes we teach will immediately make your work more fluid and more effective.
Ok, I’m ready to do this for myself, but have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Absolutely! There is not much more important than the coach you choose. I was so scared when I first hired my coach, and I also made $13,540 in 70 days after hiring her! I had never made that much in my business in such a short amount of time… it was fun and easy and, most importantly, it was reliable. I had thought I had tried everything before I hired her.
So, yes, yes, yes, give me a call… Use this link to schedule a call with me,